Dental implants

When a tooth is lost due to an accident or a carious or periodontal problem, replacement with an implant is a very reliable option.

  • The dental implant and the prosthesis on implant
  • How is an implant placed?
  • Bridge on implants (all-on-6 and all-on-4)
  • Extraction immediate implantation
  • Bone and gum grafts

Implant placement

When a single tooth is missing, an implant is usually all that is needed to fill the space and restore proper functioning of the teeth.

However, if the tooth has been missing for a long period of time, the bone usually begins to show signs of atrophy.

At this point, a very detailed clinical and radiographic examination will assess whether additional bone or gum grafting is necessary.

With this information, we will know the best approach to ensure the proper foundation and ideal placement of the dental implant, which will ultimately guarantee the longevity and reliability of the implant.

How is an implant placed?

First of all, there is a pre-operation consultation carried out in order to know the patient’s state of health, to make a clinical examination of the oral situation, and to make a 3D radiography, called Cone Beam Pre-implantation.

At our facility, we have the ability to use advanced 3D CT imaging and virtual modeling software to place the implant in the proper angulation, depth and position. Due to the precision and efficiency of these technologies, the healing time can be significantly reduced.

An estimate is then given to the patient for :

  1. The surgical part, representing the placement of implant(s), and eventual bone or gum grafts if they are necessary.
  2. The prosthetic part, representing the placement of abutments and crowns on implants (which will be made 3 to 4 months after the placement of implants).

Immediate provisional prostheses after implant placement can be offered depending on the situation (transitional removable prostheses, or provisional prostheses immediately fixed on the implant).

We work with some of the best dental labs in the country to fabricate and deliver immediate temporaries (temporary crowns) that can be made using 3D printing methods or traditional type methods. This allows us in some cases, especially for anterior teeth, to place a temporary fixed crown (not removable) on the implant the same day. This way, our patient can leave with a very aesthetic restoration the same day.

Then an appointment is scheduled to perform the first step of implant placement:

Implant placement involves minor oral surgery to place the lower part of the implant below the gum line.

The procedure takes about 20 to 30 minutes, under local anesthesia, making this appointment completely painless.

Depending on the case, the temporary tooth will be placed in order not to keep an empty space during the 3-4 months of healing of the implant.

follow-up appointment is made two weeks later.

The prosthetic part to place the abutment and the final crown on the implant is performed 3 to 4 months after the implant placement.

It consists of two steps: an impression of the position of the implant that will be sent to the prosthetist who will custom make the abutment and the crown that will then be fixed on the implant.

From then on, you will be able to eat all types of food without worrying about this new tooth.