Dental implants

When a tooth is lost due to an accident or a carious or periodontal problem, replacement with an implant is a very reliable option.

  • The dental implant and the prosthesis on implant
  • How is an implant placed?
  • Bridge on implants (all-on-6 and all-on-4)
  • Extraction immediate implantation
  • Bone and gum grafts

Extraction immediate implantation

Contemporary dentistry is intended to be minimally invasive. The evolution of implants and our knowledge of bone and gingival biology now makes it possible to perform minimally invasive and reproducible immediate implant extraction surgeries when a tooth must be extracted and replaced by an implant.

In the past, and in some cases still today, when a tooth had to be extracted and replaced with an implant, we performed two to three surgeries to first remove the tooth, then rebuild the bone when necessary, before finally placing the implant.

Nowadays, we know how to perform a single surgery that combines these three steps: Extraction of the tooth – Placement of the implant – Filling of the bone around the implant

Bone filling is performed with synthetic or bovine bone biomaterial. It will fill the gaps between the implant and the peripheral bone that was present around the extracted tooth root. This filling will maintain the initial position of the gum and bone, and stimulate bone healing. The bone filler material eventually resorbs as it is replaced by the patient’s own bone during healing.

This type of surgery, with a well-established protocol, gives nowadays THE SAME SUCCESS RATE as the two to three deferred surgeries that used to be performed to achieve the same result.

The advantages of this protocol are multiple:

  • LESS INVASIVE: One surgery instead of 2 to 3. It is better for the gum, the bone and the patient to undergo only one surgery instead of several when possible.
  • FASTER: The patient gains several months of healing time because there is only one surgical procedure, and the final crown will be placed earlier.
  • BETTER MAINTENANCE OF THE BONE AND GUM: The bone and gum are better maintained with this protocol and do not have time to atrophy because the implant being immediately placed will stimulate the bone healing by maintaining the gum and the initial bone in its original place.