Children and their teeth often require a different approach and therapy than adults.
Caries in children
The baby tooth can be prone to decay.
Even though the tooth will eventually fall out, it is important to treat these cavities so as not to leave caries-causing bacteria in the mouth that can grow into other temporary or permanent teeth.
On the other hand, decay can also affect the nerve of the baby tooth and cause toothache or an abscess.
Thus, if cavities are discovered, they must be treated as for a permanent tooth, and the cavity will be closed with suitable resin-based materials.
A small preformed crown (pedodontic cap) may be necessary depending on the state of decay of the tooth.

It is important to know that baby teeth have a much larger pulp than permanent teeth, so as soon as the decay is moderate, the pulp will often be affected. If it is very little affected we will do a pulpotomy
This consists of removing the cameral pulp part, i.e. only the coronal part of the tooth without touching the roots. A protective paste will be placed on the bottom of the cavity to protect the root pulp. Then, as before, depending on the state of decay of the tooth, we will opt for one of the two solutions for the reconstruction of the tooth.
If the decay is more severe and affects the root of the baby tooth, as with a permanent tooth, a root canal will need to be performed, and medication will be placed in the roots of the tooth before closing the top of the tooth.
It is a kind of devitalization with materials adapted to the milk tooth.