Dental Prosthesis

Dentures can be fixed or removable. Their purpose is to reconstitute, strengthen or complete a tooth following a carious disease or fracture. Some dentures can replace a tooth.

  • Dental crown
  • Inlay / Onlay
  • Dental veneer
  • Dental bridge
  • Removable dental prosthesis

Removable Dental Prosthesis

In the case of the absence of one or more teeth, many solutions are available to you.

Among those, the partial removable dental prosthesis that will fulfill its functional (chewing) and aesthetic role.

There are different types of partial dentures:

  • in resin especially in transitory while waiting for a cicatrization for example and to avoid any dental displacement;
  • resin + metal = partial skeletal or stellite.

The stellites will have a thinner, stronger, more comfortable metal frame with more precise hooks.

How is a partial denture fitted?

Two sessions are required:

1/ Impression of the teeth and soft tissues, registration of the occlusion of the teeth and jaws, and of the color of the teeth.

2/ Fitting of the prosthesis and adjustment.