Esthetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is concerned with the appearance of teeth and the improvement of a person’s smile

  • Esthetic smile analysis
  • Dental veneers
  • Orthodontics
  • Inlay and Onlay
  • Dental whitening

Dental veneers

Once the aesthetic analysis is done, treatment can be proposed to the patient.

Based on these elements, a wax model pre-visualizing the final dentition can be made by the dental technician and shown to the patient: the WAX UP.

This wax simulation can then be transferred in resin into the patient’s mouth, without any dental preparation, in order to better appreciate the integration of this dentition in the face: the MOCK UP.

The esthetic and natural look of a veneer will depend on the surface condition of the veneer, its proportion to the position of the tooth and the patient’s face, its shade, and brightness.

The veneer has the advantage of having a greater luminosity than a tooth (whose core is made of an opaque material called “dentin”), which gives a different brightness to the smile, and rejuvenates it.

When the placement of veneers is considered in the realization of a new smile, the harmony of the smile is most often obtained by the placement of 6 or 8 or 10 veneers.
Thus, it is possible to balance the proportions of the smile and to obtain an esthetic symmetry.

The fact of making 8 or 10 veneers will make it possible to widen the smile to the premolars. This way, more teeth are visible in the smile, which will look fuller and more radiant.

The average life span of a veneer is 10 to 20 years.

In some cases, the gums must be reshaped with a laser (gingivectomy) in order to obtain an alignment of the base of the teeth offering a better balance to the smile and a better harmony between teeth, gums, and smile.

How is the veneer placement done?

Three sessions are required:

1/ Esthetic analysis of the smile and elaboration of a treatment plan (number and type of veneers) according to the patient’s expectations (The session lasts 30 minutes)

2/ Fine preparation of the teeth, impression of the teeth, and realization of temporary veneers (on the basis of the mock-up) (The session lasts 1h to 1H30)

3/ Gluing of the veneers on the teeth (The session lasts 1h to 1h30)

The result is usually obtained in two weeks maximum.